Sunday, August 31, 2008

ThE FaReWeLl!!!!!

Today was the big day.  Josh was given the topic of prayer.  My favorite quote in his talk was from President Monson, "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest of saints on his knees".  He also told of the first beginnings of his testimony.  When he was 9 or 10 he was going to our church, his mom's church at times and occasionally to the Catholic church with his grandparents.  Josh had a desire to find out for himself if the church was true since he felt like he should only go to one church.  The work was done of studying the scriptures, praying and the answer came.  The gospel was true and he knew it and he couldn't deny it.  His testimony has grown stronger ever since.
Along with Josh a new member of the ward, George Masters, spoke.  He is a new convert who is preparing for his mission.  Tanner Erickson was the youth speaker.  Kendi Van De Graaff sang "Oh Lord, My Redeemer".  Prayers were given by Brother Richard Harmon and Sister Kristen Switzer.  The songs were "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" and "Called to Serve".

Many friends and family attended:  Aunt Jeri, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Dori, Grandma and Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, Arika Flake, Rhonda and Tim Wildung, Justin (Arika's nephew), Josh's mom, Phil, Austin, Jordan, the Nelson's, the McCowns', the Loars', the Merrills', the Hastings', the Neilsens' and of course our wonderful Page Ward family.  So many people who love Josh and are supporting him in his decision to serve.

After the meeting we got together with family and had a breakfast brunch.

Josh and Arika

The Zoolander looking very relieved church is over!

Arika, Rhonda and Tim

Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Chuck, Josh and Aunt Dori

The day was special with family and friends.  That afternoon Kasey Heussner and his wife came over to share some Dominican Republic stories with us.  Kasey served his mission in the DR 10 years ago and the two of them just went to visit 2 years ago.  They had a lot of insights for us and many missionary stories for Josh to ponder on.  It was fun to see pictures of where he will actually be serving for the next two years.  An exciting time for great experiences and growth in the gospel.  We are so proud of the man you are becoming.  We love you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Arizona Temple Time

Josh went through the Temple today and received his endowments.  It was such a special time for all those who were there.  You can only pray that those who attend for the first time will be touched by the Spirit.  Josh is such a strength to me of faith and one who simply wants to do what is right.  We complicate our lives often with all the other "things" that don't really matter.  Today mattered and Josh knew it.

Grandma and Grandpa were there for support.

Zoolander even at the Temple.

I loved that the words of the Temple were in this picture.  It is awesome to know that this is the Lord's house.

After all was said and done I asked Josh what he thought.  It was nothing that he expected but he said, "It felt good."  What more can you ask for.  Hold on to that feeling and you will go far.  We love you and are do proud of the man you are becoming!!!!