Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Phone Call

We were able to talk to Josh today from 10:00-12:00 - two whole hours!
Talking with him truly made Christmas for us all. To know that he is still really out there and doing well was such a blessing for us. It is so weird but since I haven't heard his voice in so long I was so relieved for just that simple blessing. He was so upbeat and funny. I am sure today was hard for him but hopefully our prayers were heard and he was able to enjoy the day and not think about home too much.
Our Christmas package for him arrived a couple days ago on the bus. I was getting a little nervous about him receiving it. However, it doesn't really matter how he got it or when he got it -- just that he did get it.
So happy he has the opportunity to serve and teach the DR people.
Endure to the End Elder Flake!!!!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

fellowship of the unashamed

I have been meaning to get this in the blog. Josh send us an email explaining to us about a quote he had found and how much he loved it. "It is awesome and it has become my new favorite quote, my goal as a missionary is to become a member of this fellowship of the unashamed." He quoted a bit of it for us but not the whole thing. We found it later and so I wanted to share it.

"I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made-I am a disciple of His. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions, worldly-talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need pre-eminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean in His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer and I labor with power.

My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, hired away, turned back, diluted, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the enemy, pander at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, give up till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes my banner will be clear!"

-From Words Aptly Spoken by Dr. Bob Moorehead

What power in these words. Hopefully we will all be members of this elite group!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Our email from Elder Flake was very short but so amazing. We have been praying as a family all week that Josh would achieve his goal of 400 contacts. They received 420 contacts-more than any other in their whole zone. We all cried knowing how our Heavenly Father had blessed him and his companion. No doubt he worked hard and said there were a couple who were really close to baptism. I continue to be in awe at the work that is being done out there by these young men.
Good job!!!!!!!
I had asked Josh what he wanted in his Christmas package. Sister Naumann from our Desert Vista ward is traveling to the DR in a few days and is taking his package to him-so we needed his requests. He responded, "I can't really think of anything in particular to put in the Christmas package, thanks for asking though, maybe some skittles or something." Easy to please right. Skittles it is then . . . !!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008


We received an email finally today around 3:00. Josh is alive and surviving.
Like you see his first area is Barahona right by the beach. It is located 3 hours west of Santo Domingo. He just kept saying over and over how beautiful it was. They are surrounded by mountains and everything is green.
His new companion is Elder Carver from Texas-he has only two months left. Josh said that he isn't wanting to work too hard so he let Josh make the goal for week. The weekly goal for the zone is 200 contacts-Josh set a goal for 400!!!! Prayer will get him there. He is so excited to work hard-that would make any parent proud.
Wilky, a man they met, helped them push a guys truck out of the street. As they talked to him they realized what a cool guy he was and they even got him to go to church with them yesterday. So great!!!!!
I called my friend Annie from our Desert Vista ward who is from the DR and she couldn't say enough good about Barahona. This is where her mom was born. Annie said they spend a lot of summers there because it is so beautiful and there are a lot of cool little towns to enjoy.
His feet hurt but said it was awesome. Pain never felt soooo good?!!!!!!!!
We love you!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

In the past few emails Josh has talked about going to a university that is real close to them. They seem to be giving out a lot of Book of Mormons and getting a lot of referrals. A band of missionaries-who can stop them?
New room-mates came in this week: 22 Dominicans, 1 Mexican and 1 from Argentina.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our first email from Josh in the DR was awesome.
Some of the fun things he mentioned were:
  1. It is so beautiful here and also very humid.
  2. Everything here is so green and tropical.
  3. It rains a couple times every day and the power has gone out 4 or 5 times.
  4. MTC is called the CCM in the DR.
  5. 32 missionaries from the U.S. and 13 from Haiti in the CCM.
  6. Teachers speak very little English which makes it interesting.
  7. Sister Perkins, President Perkins wife, challenged us all to memorize the First Vision, D&C 4, and our purpose as missionaries all in Spanish. She said that the record for anybody doing it in the year and a half that she has been here had been 2 weeks-I got it done in 4 days!!! (That's my boy!)
As you can see he is doing great. What a guy!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Traveling to the DR

On travel days your missionary gets to call at whatever airport they are at to let you know he is safe. Best rule ever! So today being travel day we were able to talk to Josh three times. The first time was this morning at 4:00 am-best wake up call I have had in a very long time. He was leaving Salt Lake and going to Texas. Then around 9:00 we got another call and talked for about 40 minutes. Around 3:00 he landed in San Juan and then at 4:30 he landed in the DR. We received one last call and he got to talk to all the kids. It was so good to hear his voice. He sounded so happy.
Some memories he told us about in the MTC were:
  1. Orange juice drinking contest. Of course he won, however, he paid the price afterwards when he threw up.
  2. Attending the temple each week.
  3. Spanish-being able to sing, pray and testify after only 2 days. (Josh said he learned more the first week than he had learned the 4 years he took Spanish in high school and college.)
  4. Using therabands as a gigantic slingshot. They put them between the bunk beds and had a ball.
  5. Giving a blessing to Sister Wilde, who they were sure had cancer. After the blessing she went back and there were no signs of cancer at all. She was reassigned to go to Ohio just as a precaution.
  6. Eating lunch with President Hinckley's son.
  7. Firesides.
  8. Feeling the Spirit.
  9. Having to have a prepared talk for Sacrament Meeting. You had no idea if you would be called on to give a talk or not until that very moment. Josh was never called on but give it time!!
  10. I asked him what the hardest thing was, which I am glad I didn't know what it was until now. The 3rd night was the worst. He had just gotten letters from us and it hit him hard that he missed us and wanted to be with us. No sleep that night. However, the next day was filled with experienced that let him know he was doing the right thing and was in the right place. Each day since then has become easier and easier.
Now we are on to more experiences at the MTC in the DR.
We love you Josh
Endure to the End.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Emails and Letters

We have received 3 letters and 2 emails so far from Elder Flake.
His P-Day is on Tuesday and this past Tuesday no email. We checked at least 20 times-we were really sad. However tonight we received one. He had sat down on Tuesday to email and went blank on his passwords. They allowed him to email today because part of their P-Day is taken up with service.
It was such an incredible email. He said how much easier it is getting. Yesterday a new set of missionaries reported and it made him so glad that he is over that part. It was really hard.
He has given us some advice: don't sweat the small things-let them go. We all need to hear this.
He has told the kids to remember to pray, obey us as parents, keep playing musical instruments and be good.
Josh has already grown so much. Spanish is coming along great. He said the second night they were already praying, singing, and teaching in the language. Amazing. The Lord can help us do anything.
We love you!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

1st MTC Letter

Yes, we received Josh's 1st letter yesterday.  Jim checked the mail late - not even expecting to get any letter - and there it was.  I was already asleep but Jim knew to wake me.  We laughed and I cried a little.  He was able to write the first day in the MTC and said it was a little overwhelming but good.  It was a sweet letter.  The last two lines made me so happy because it was just so Josh.  "I would just like to end by saying that people don't think I know a butt-load of crap about the Gospel, but I do.  Any guesses on what movie that's from?"  Jim and Josh have this thing about quoting movies and then trying to guess what movie it came from.  They have a lot of fun.  Anyway, any guesses? . . . . . Nacho Libre!!!
We love you Josh/Elder Flake

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Entering the MTC 9.10.08

Jim, Josh and I left for Utah Tuesday afternoon.  On the plane ride over we told Josh we had a surprise for him.  This kind of thing drives Josh crazy.  He began asking questions like - can I take it with me - do I already have one - do you have one - and on and on.  The big surprise was eating at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.  Jim and I had talked about eating there often and Josh wanted to join in.  Months and months before this we promised Josh we would go there before he left on his mission.  Well, before you knew it the time had passed and we hadn't gone.  I was telling Jim I was sad about that.  Jim, being the thinker he is, remembered that they had one in SLC.  After we got our rental car, we had to run a quick errand and then asked Josh what he wanted for dinner.  Taco Time.  As we pulled up to Ruth's Chris all he could say was, "This is NOT Taco Time."  We had a lot of fun.  The food was fabulous. 
 Josh gave it a thumbs up.

Bags packed and ready to go.

Wednesday morning we met the Pattens for breakfast.
Tiff, Tyler, Eric, Aunt Cindy, the boys, Heather, Uncle Bob, Josh, Jim and Todd

Aunt Cindy and Josh

In front of "the sign".

The Best of Buds

Love you Joshy!

Noelle gave Josh this tie tack and requested we take a picture.  
One of my favorites.
Who could resist such a face?

One last Zoolander.  We told him we had to take one here.  There were a lot of people around and so he was being a little shy.  However, as a huge crowd disappeared, he let loose.

I had the honor of putting the official name tag on.

One last picture.  
Knowing he will be well taken care of is what will get us through.  
We will miss you mucho.  
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Tonight Josh was set apart as a full time missionary.  President Barker and Bishop Erickson were present.  Each family member bore their testimony of the gospel and of their love for Josh.  It was very emotional and the spirit was very evident.  President Barker set him apart and then Josh was asked to bare his testimony as a new missionary.  Such a sweet, simple and sincere testimony.  It was beautiful.  The people of the DR will be so blessed with him in their life.

Creative Lexi

Bishop Erickson, Josh and President Barker

Josh and Dad

The family minus Halle.

We couldn't resist taking of a picture around Halle.
She fell asleep during the setting apart.

We love you Josh and are proud of you!!!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Farewell Party!!!

Friends and family joined us for a good-bye party for Josh.  We have so many who have been so supportive.  We love our family, ward family and old time friends from Mesa.

Aunt Jeri and Josh

Grandma and Grandpa came down and had dinner with us before the party.
Thanks for always being there when it means the most.

Jim, Kathleen and Victoria Moon

The Party Gang!!!

Jaque and Jan

The Nelsons

Sister Harmon, Brother Nabrotsky, Brother Harmon and Janda

Brother Anderson!!!! 
Love the look!
Thanks for being a great home teacher.

Dad and Scott

Annie (next to Josh) was in our Desert Vista Ward in Mesa.  When we lived there they attended the Spanish speaking ward so we never had the chance to get to know them.  She is from the DR, and was one of the first converts 30 years ago.  When she heard about Josh she brought her family and came to the party.  She sat with Josh, hugged him and talked with him a lot of the evening about the people, food and culture in the DR.  It was the highlight of the night.  Josh felt so much comfort in what she said.  He said if the people in the DR are like her he will be well taken care of.  Her sister's husband is the President of the DR.  We have got some good connections.  Annie also gave Josh her mom's phone number and said if he needs ANYTHING to call-no questions asked!!!

After everyone left this is what we got-a worn out Joshy-Boy!!!!

The night was so much fun to be with those who we love and care about so much.

Sleep tight.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

ThE FaReWeLl!!!!!

Today was the big day.  Josh was given the topic of prayer.  My favorite quote in his talk was from President Monson, "Satan trembles when he sees the weakest of saints on his knees".  He also told of the first beginnings of his testimony.  When he was 9 or 10 he was going to our church, his mom's church at times and occasionally to the Catholic church with his grandparents.  Josh had a desire to find out for himself if the church was true since he felt like he should only go to one church.  The work was done of studying the scriptures, praying and the answer came.  The gospel was true and he knew it and he couldn't deny it.  His testimony has grown stronger ever since.
Along with Josh a new member of the ward, George Masters, spoke.  He is a new convert who is preparing for his mission.  Tanner Erickson was the youth speaker.  Kendi Van De Graaff sang "Oh Lord, My Redeemer".  Prayers were given by Brother Richard Harmon and Sister Kristen Switzer.  The songs were "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" and "Called to Serve".

Many friends and family attended:  Aunt Jeri, Uncle Chuck and Aunt Dori, Grandma and Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, Arika Flake, Rhonda and Tim Wildung, Justin (Arika's nephew), Josh's mom, Phil, Austin, Jordan, the Nelson's, the McCowns', the Loars', the Merrills', the Hastings', the Neilsens' and of course our wonderful Page Ward family.  So many people who love Josh and are supporting him in his decision to serve.

After the meeting we got together with family and had a breakfast brunch.

Josh and Arika

The Zoolander looking very relieved church is over!

Arika, Rhonda and Tim

Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Chuck, Josh and Aunt Dori

The day was special with family and friends.  That afternoon Kasey Heussner and his wife came over to share some Dominican Republic stories with us.  Kasey served his mission in the DR 10 years ago and the two of them just went to visit 2 years ago.  They had a lot of insights for us and many missionary stories for Josh to ponder on.  It was fun to see pictures of where he will actually be serving for the next two years.  An exciting time for great experiences and growth in the gospel.  We are so proud of the man you are becoming.  We love you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Arizona Temple Time

Josh went through the Temple today and received his endowments.  It was such a special time for all those who were there.  You can only pray that those who attend for the first time will be touched by the Spirit.  Josh is such a strength to me of faith and one who simply wants to do what is right.  We complicate our lives often with all the other "things" that don't really matter.  Today mattered and Josh knew it.

Grandma and Grandpa were there for support.

Zoolander even at the Temple.

I loved that the words of the Temple were in this picture.  It is awesome to know that this is the Lord's house.

After all was said and done I asked Josh what he thought.  It was nothing that he expected but he said, "It felt good."  What more can you ask for.  Hold on to that feeling and you will go far.  We love you and are do proud of the man you are becoming!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Receiving the call

June 12, 2008
Josh received his call Thursday, June 12th. Dad and I had taken a mini-vacation for our anniversary, which was on the 11th. We had wondered when the call would come and if we should even go. The decision was made and we left-calling home each day to see if it had come in the mail. We were so excited on Thursday to finally get "the package". A million questions were asked about how thick the package was, how big and how thick again. We had heard if you go state side it is a thin package and if yo go foreign it is thick-well when you have no standard to compare it to then it is kinda hard to decide if you have a thin or thick envelope. That didn't stop us from asking poor Josh question after question.
We flew into town around 3:00, went right to Costco to get a cake and treats for the big opening party. Calls had been made throughout the afternoon to set up the 7:00pm festivities. Josh could hardly wait.
A map was placed on the counter and as people showed up they had to guess where they thought the call was to. The closest guess was Brother Eric Smith with a guess of Florida.  His accurate guess won him a large bag of M&M's.

Dominican Republic Santo Domingo West Mission Spanish Speaking!!!!!!!

This page Josh is holding was actually signed by the Prophet-Thomas S. Monson.  Not a stamp-the real thing.  That is cool!!!!

Josh was beyond excited for his call.  He had a few "wishes".  One was to go foreign and the other was to speak a different language-preferably Spanish.  What more could we ask for?  We are so happy for you and the new adventure this mission will bring to you!!!!
We love you!!!!!